Surgical Case Duration Accuracy
Length of a surgical case is the most important data-point in effective planning of work streams in an operating suite and yet most organizations have very poor accuracy in their predictions. When retrospectively analysed, it's clear average case durations recommended by EMRs are grossly inaccurate and result in chaos, wasted resources, and patient, surgeon, and staff dissatisfaction.
As published in a Harvard Medical School study in Journal of Medical Systems, Leap Rail artificial intelligence algorithms decrease surgical case duration inaccuracy by over 70% . This improvement enables OR managers to effectively create additional capacity without new capital investment and significantly improve their utilization of existing resources. For a typical 20 room OR, leveraging Leap Rail results in three million dollars additional capacity creation annually.
Operating rooms are dynamic! The status of your cases are constantly changing. New information is available and documented every minute. Leap Rail Board provides you with a real-time picture of the caseload in your suite. Each case clearly reflects the real-time perioperative milestone. The board automatically updates with new milestones and adjusts the start and end times of cases as workflow updates occur. You can customize the color-coded milestone visualization to signal appropriate teams on your staff to better prepare for their next activity.
This visual representation is augmented with a news ticker that announces new case milestones. The news ticker also includes predictions and recommendations that the Leap Rail artificial intelligence engine produces based on case flow updates. These predictions range from anticipated case delays, to predicting after-hours needs, to identifying opportunities for moving cases around to avoid downstream delays.